Restaurant City – Faster to get free gift – token

Browser for this: chrome and firefox

visit here:



Restaurant City: Collaborative Gifts Generator V3.0


you can download it here

to be able to use it you need to do the following
1- setup fiddler crossdomain.xml in the auto responder as in the following pic

setting Fiddler use this rule if match
then use this
2- make sure your browser uses fiddler
3-Become fan of my page

if you do not do the above steps correctly you will get Security error
Note on the new RC generator
1- V3 tokens is completely different then older versions you can not use it on the old versions and you can not use tokens generated by old version
2- unlike older versions , token generated by outdated item id will cause error 500 so make sure you generate tokens using ids that are on the current gifting menu .for this reason , I set the default to 40000072 , you can change this any value and save it on your pc so that you do not need to type it each time you load the tool. also item id will be included in the token so that you know the id used to generate the token. invalid token will be skipped and you should not share skipped tokens only failed or successful
3- unlike older version , you can not use your own token !!!
4- make sure you copy the token from token to &&&&
5- gifts will not be on your inbox , they will go directly to the chest
6- you will receive a reward gift each time someone uses your token
7- unfortunately you can not convert token as before


Cute Confirmation Boxes: jConfirmAction jQuery Plugin

jConfirmAction is a jQuery plugin that aims to replace those boring default confirmation boxes with cute ones. This plugin generates a flying bubble confirmation box upside your action link. basically, jConfirmAction creates a DIV element that contains confirmation box after you clicked on the element (either link or button), then it will appear with fading in and disappear with fading out. The confirmation box’s style can be customized via CSS.

jConfirmAction has three arguments that aims to customize language for the confirmation box:

  • question : A text for your question (default : Are You Sure?).
  • yesAnswer : A text for Yes answer (default : Yes).
  • cancelAnswer : a text for Cancel/No answer (default : No).

10 Excellent Free JavaScript Content/Image Sliders

Are you interested in implementing a content slider in your website? Checkout this list!

Create Featured Content Slider Using jQuery UI by Web Developer Plus – This is a nice tutorial that teaches you how to “show off the best content of your website or blog in a nice intuitive way” in order to “catch more eyeballs”. One of the techniques to show the featured content is the auto-playing content slider.



Easy Slider is a JQuery Plugin that “enables images or any content to slide horizontally or vertically on click”.

Features include:

  • Auto Slide
  • Continuous Sliding
  • ‘Go to first’ and ‘Go to last’ buttons
  • Vertical Sliding
  • Hiding Controls
  • Optional wrapping markup for control buttons
  • Multiple Sliders on one page

This slider script is simple to implement, lightweight and easy CSS customizable.



a-slick-auto-playing-featured-content-slider Creating a Slick Auto-Playing Featured Content Slider is a tutorial written by Chris Coyier from This script is based on the Coda Slider. It has additional features such as:

  • Different types of custom content in the panels.
  • Auto-play.
  • Arrow Indicator.

Start/Stop Slider – a tutorial by Chris Coyier from



Step By Step To Create Content Slider using jFlow, A Minimalist jQuery Plugin – a tutorial from WebDesignBooth that explains you how to create a simple content slider using the powerful library JQuery.



Build a Content Slider with jQuery – a tutorial by Jason Lengstorf from Ennui Design



BarackSlideshow is a very tiny and lightweight slideslow script, inspired by the slideshow in Barack Obama website. The script takes the power of MorphList to enhance visualization and navigation of the images.



Making a Content Slider with jQuery UI – a very well explained step by step tutorial by Dan Wellman for NetTuts.



JC Play List is free and easy to use Flash component created especially for easy visual representation of multimedia lists such as XMLs, RSS 2.0 feeds from Picasa and Flickr. This application can be used to display any kinds of lists including items that contain images, titles, descriptions, index numbers, custom backgrounds and overlays, additional information etc.

Features include:

  • Easy to customize
  • Display items in vertical and horizontal position
  • Can be used directly without coding with different components such as JC Player or Loader Pro V3
  • Multiple skins (Horizontal Skin, Minimal Skin, Thumbnail Slider Skin, Mini Skin)



JC Play List is a fla-based component and includes all the assets it needs, including the UIScrollBar component. For this reason it is an easy to customize component. All you have to do is access the skin assets that are added to the Library when you place the component on the stage or by simply doubleclicking on the JC Play List instance to access the skin embedded into it.

AnythingSlider jQuery Plugin is an attempt at bringing together the functionality of all of those previous sliders and adding new features. This is the first JQuery Content Slider Plugin released by CSS-Tricks.

Features include:

  • Slides are HTML Content (can be anything)
  • Next Slide / Previous Slide Arrows
  • Navigation tabs are built and added dynamically (any number of slides)
  • Optional custom function for formatting navigation text
  • Auto-playing (optional feature, can start playing or stopped)
  • Each slide has a hashtag (can link directly to specific slides)
  • Infinite/Continuous sliding (always slides in the direction you are going, even at “last” slide)
  • Multiple sliders allowable per-page (hashtags only work on first)
  • Pauses autoPlay on hover (option)
  • Link to specific slides from static text links



This new AnythingSlider is an attempt at bringing together the functionality of all of those previous sliders and adding new features. In other words, to create a really “full featured” slider that could be widely useful.

[ from: ]

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How to bypass the REFERER security check

The http-Referer header is nothing more than the web address of the page that referred a browser to the actual page.
If you are trying to "protect" a file by making sure that the http-referer value (or any other browser passed variable) is your own website, you can be bypassed by this simple technique. You cannot trust any browser passed variables.

Suppose you have a form that requests the user to enter his user name and a comment. The form sends the user inputs to, let say formprocess.php. In the formprocess.php you check if the http-referer is your site to prevent from spam comments:

if ( eregi ( "", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) )
// do something
echo "Nice try";

The problem here is that you deal with a browser passed variable. An attacker can easily bypass your check by giving your site as referer.

Look at this script:

// the site we want to attack
$host = "";
// the file we want to attack
$file = "formprocess.php";

// construct a header for our request

$hdrs = array( 'http' => array(

'method' => "POST",

'header'=> "accept-language: en\r\n" .

"Host: $host\r\n" .

"Referer: http://$host\r\n" . // Setting the http-referer

"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" .
"Content-Length: 33\r\n\r\n" .




// get the requested page from the server

// with our header as a request-header

$context = stream_context_create($hdrs);

$fp = fopen("http://" . $host . "/" . $file, 'r', false, $context);




Create a formprocess.php file and try to get it with this script, you will see that the if statment in formprocess.php is useless.
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